Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Whole Lot of Somethin' - Misty & Aarron - Chateau Elan

Lets air the business of the day. As for the previous emergency announcement we are okay. Yesterday, was sort of the deadline for me to head to my Aunt's and help her out with the kidos. However, the doctors came back with some good news. The infection in her husband's leg from the injury had not made it to the bones. Thank for the prayers!

Onto other business. In a previous post I talked about a little bit about Lightroom. Well, folks you are about to start seeing the results of what this amazing piece of software is doing for me. For now lets get caught up on some of the AMAZING weddings I have been photographing.

Let me introduce you guys to Misty and Aarron. They were married a while back at Chateau Elan just outside of Atlanta, GA. If you are looking for a place to have a wedding. This would be on my short list for sure. I must say I LOVE military weddings!

Here is the slideshow.


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