Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own

The last three years have been such a struggle. I have mad and met wonderful people during that time. Keeping hope and love alive for what I do. I could have never accomplished what I have done without you all. Sometimes you were there for me when my family was not.

I love the song. It speaks to me on a personal level I have never shared with anyone. It means so much to me.

Here I set three years almost to the date I lost my full-time job shooting for TJ Maxx and Homegoods. When the new CEO arrived the team I belonged too was cut loose. E-commerse was dead.

I made a decision to go out in the world on my own. Many people thought I was nuts. Here I am. Passing that three year mark. I have learned a great deal. It is has been a hard road, but we have been very fortunate and blessed.

Here are a few lessons I have learned.
1.) Everyone who is nice to you is not your friend. They may be taking advantage of you.
2.) Never turn your back on friends. No matter what the pressure may be to do so.
3.) Love life.
4.) Take risks.
5.) Never give up.
6.) Learn.
7.) Anger is one's downfall.
8.) Listen
9.) Keep an open heart no matter how much it may hurt.
10.) Never say never.

Recent events have so reinforced these things for me. Thank you to all of you!



Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it for 3 years! That is awesome. You certainly have our respect.

Marie Moyers said...

Responding when angry nets undesirable results.
Making decisions when angry makes for regrets.
Taking time out when angry is a wise decision.

Anonymous said...

always think about what you say before you say it, there is always 2 sides to the story, those that you love the most may be the ones you hurt the most, but they will always be there when you need them, with love and open arms.