Thursday, February 01, 2007

Even More Changes - This Time with Pictage

For some of you this will not be much of a change for others it will be a big deal. As a way to help boost my production I will now use Pictage exclusively. With the roll out of their new website they have filled several gaps that I was looking for. All weddings in the up coming weeks will be uploaded to Pictage. Once there they will be up for 90 days.

This move represents a way to decrease production times, and the system can manage the large quantities of orders I receive flawlessly.

If you are a 2006 bride your wedding will be eventually uploaded to Pictage and you will receive an email on how to access your images. For now you can still access your images the same way you always have.

This is great beacuse it will streamline my workflow tremendously. Pictage produces wonderful product and has a wonderful customer service. As a Pictage photographer it represents more of a partnership than a lab simply fulfilling orders.

You can visit their site by going to I really think this will make a big difference in production times and other issues. Now, that they are offering more than ever to their photographers it just makes sense. If anyone has any questions feel free to email me or post your question right here.


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