Wednesday, April 05, 2006

PUG Meeting & My Birthday Present

Pug Meeting
I went to my first Pictage User Group meeting last night. It was a lot a fun, and I learned a lot! It is great that as wedding photographers we have a chance to get together and learn from one another.

Something I learned is to use this blog more often. Matt this is my first post as promised. I want you to put me in a different folder in your favorites! LOL!!

My Birthday!
Yesterday, was my birthday. I had been talking about getting a grill, charcoal of course, so my wife bought me one. See I am a native Texan, and no one in this area serves true Texas style BBQ. Well as I see it, my duty as a Texan is to learn to be really good at this.

Truth be told I tried fishing, and I really suck. I am really good at cooking, so they way I figure it is if the nuclear power plant goes hot I can be a cook. Since I know I would die if I had to catch my own.

Stay tuned folks I am posting some images shortly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am embarassed to admit... I have not been checking your blog as I promised to do :O I will move you to the check daily folder immediately!